
No words can fill this hole. I did not see my youngest brother Peter near enough but did not expect to so suddenly have no more time with him. Such a heavy feeling. Sending love to Carol, my bereft siblings and families. Be sure to hug your people and tell them you love them always and often.

Dear Uncle Peter,
I remember the night that mom called me to tell me that you were gone. That I would never be able to see you again & how I tried to hold back my tears, but my heart had just shattered into a bajillion little pieces. Pieces that no one would be able to put back together. I remember thinking that the world had just ended and how unfair this life truly is. Remembering how much joy and happiness you brought into our family, but most importantly how much you meant to Carol and how we all got to witness the undevoted love and attention you gave to her. I want to thank you for showing me what true love really looks like.
It’s never going to be the same here without you, we miss you every single day.
We were family and that’ll never change, and I know one day I will see you again. But until then I love you and I miss you.
Love, Midget & McLarty Family

Good neighbours are hard to find, we were lucky enough to have Peter and Carol as ours, a fence and Covid 19 were never enough to keep a warm sunny afternoon from happening with a few drinks and good laughs, Peter will be dearly missed by all who knew him, condolences Carol xo
Rob Kim Jeff Amy Erin Underhill

Shocked and Saddened can not begin to cover the emotions we have felt since hearing the news of Peter's passing.
Such an amazing, fun, funny, happy man that didn't have a bad word to say about anyone.
Always had a smile on his face and a ready comeback to fit any situation.
He could always make me laugh, at him and at myself.
He will be greatly missed by many.
Our heart breaks for his wife Carol. Don't worry Pete, we will look after her!
R.I.P Friend,
Jennifer MacNeill and Rick Nicholson

Peter was a beautiful man, strong in spirit, patient, witty, supportive, loving, intelligent. He loved to laugh. He had a powerful energy that drew people to him and you couldn't help but like him. He had the heart of a warrior, a fierce competitor, which is why he loved playing ball and hockey and hanging out with boys. As hard as he played on the field or on the ice, he could also do the opposite and relax and soak in the little things in life like a good cigar. He was always around to lend a helping hand. He has left a hole in many people's lives. In mine, he has left a crater. I could never have asked for a better partner in life. He is deeply missed and irreplaceable. I will love him always. Thank you, Peter, for loving me and sharing your life with me. I will forever be your loving wife.

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