Tribute Wall

DJ posted a condolence
Friday, February 2, 2024
Cindy and I would like to express our deepest condolences to you and your family.
Both you and Peter always made me feel welcome when I would drop by your place for a quick beer or 2....lol
I couldn't believe the news of Peters passing he will be sadly missed by everyone he met.
Kirly posted a condolence
Friday, February 2, 2024
Lise and I are devastated. You have our heartfelt condolences. All the tributes expressed on this site need not be repeated by us.
They are so eloquent but I will share with everyone the first time we met. .Rick and I were cruising Cornell on a Saturday morning in the spring over 20 years ago recruiting players for our ball league. You and Peter were walking hand in hand when we stopped The first thing we offered was a beer , then an invitation to join the league. .He immediately signed up and paid the fees. The rest is history. He went on to become a DAWG.
Diane Wannop lit a candle
Thursday, February 1, 2024

I have been trying to decide what to write but nothing seems right… Pete is so hard to sum up in a few sentences.
He was a great guy, kind of like a brother to me. Goofy jokes, nicknames, sarcastic remarks and good natured teasing but he was also warm, caring, easy to talk to and knowledgable about so many things.
He and Carol made such a good team.
He will be missed by many but none more than Carol.
Carol, please know Grant and I are here if you need us.
Our sincere condolences to you and the rest of Pete’s family
Diane and Grant Wannop
Matt MacDonald posted a condolence
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Peter was an amazing friend, teammate, leader, business mentor and all around amazing guy. Peter was so thoughtful and gracious with my Uncle (Kev) and Grandmother (Grandma Mac). Too many fun times to mention but some that really stand out to me include all the time we spent on the ball diamond together, pops before and after games, wings at the Dutchess, slow pitch nationals in Newfoundland, and Peter’s willingness to take on the thank-less job of MC at my wedding. Peter went above and beyond. He was so well prepared, making every sound-bite personal with lots of humour throughout. Carol - Melanie and I are so thankful we were able to share so many amazing memories with you and Pete over the years. Love you tons.
Dorothy Willis posted a condolence
Monday, January 29, 2024
How special was Peter! I fondly remember his smiling face as he entered my grade 5 classroom at Parkway PS in Brampton. The kids and I looked forward to his arrival, it would be a good day! He always made everyone feel better and do better with his jokes and fun. I recall he was very good in math. A special student, a special adult who will be missed by all. Dorothy Willis (Dowey)
Stephen Blackwell lit a candle
Monday, January 22, 2024

Peter was an amazing man and neighbour. He was always there to help anyone in need and offered up great advice. His creativity was impressive, demonstrated in his awesome woodwork pieces and amazing spaces (luv-the-she-shack). He will be missed by all
Carol Manwell lit a candle
Sunday, January 21, 2024

"Peter was a beautiful man, strong in spirit, patient, witty, supportive, loving, intelligent. He loved to laugh. He had a powerful energy that drew people to him and you couldn't help but like him. He had the heart of a warrior, a fierce competitor, which is why he loved playing ball and hockey and hanging out with boys. As hard as he played on the field or on the ice, he could also do the opposite and relax and soak in the little things in life like a good cigar. He was always around to lend a helping hand. He has left a hole in many people's lives. In mine, he has left a crater. I could never have asked for a better partner in life. He is deeply missed and irreplaceable. I will love him always. Thank you, Peter, for loving me and sharing your life with me. I will forever be your loving wife."
Sarah Halfkenny lit a candle
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

I was so sorry to hear of Uncle Peter’s sudden passing. I remember him as a jokester, with an easy laugh and smile. My husband Travis, son Ryan and I send our thoughts and best wishes to our family and especially Aunt Carol during this difficult time. We hope your many memories will provide some solace ❤️
Lots of love,
Sarah Halfkenny
Micole lit a candle
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Sincerest condolences to Peter’s family, especially Carol. He loved you so much. Such sad news.
I met Peter over 30 years ago when I was his supervisor and he the head lifeguard at McMurchy pool. He was always so full of life and our friendship lasted over the years with an occasional catchup lunch. He always had some business venture on the go and always talked about his loving relationship with his best friend Carol. Peter was a dear friend and always had a listening ear. Will miss you Buddy❤️
Jennifer posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Shocked and Saddened can not begin to cover the emotions we have felt since hearing the news of Peter's passing.
Such an amazing, fun, funny, happy man that didn't have a bad word to say about anyone.
Always had a smile on his face and a ready comeback to fit any situation.
He could always make me laugh, at him and at myself.
He will be greatly missed by many.
Our heart breaks for his wife Carol. Don't worry Pete, we will look after her!
R.I.P Friend,
Jennifer MacNeill and Rick Nicholson
Monday, January 15, 2024
Tyler Ferguson posted a condolence
Monday, January 15, 2024
Sincere condolences to all of Peter’s family. He was a well liked neighbour who will be missed by all of us here on Richwood.
The Ferguson Family
richard taylor posted a condolence
Monday, January 15, 2024
"Throw Them the Junk" (Pete)
I played ball with Pete for almost 20 years and 20 years of Dawgs socials ( I think that's why he played ball ). He was always the one on the team that would inspire you to play harder, play for the win, but most importunely play to have fun. I will always remember Pete as an outstanding ball player, out there in center field razzing the other team and the boys on the hill. To say he will be missed is an understatement, he has touched so many lives which is a testimony to the man Peter was.
RIP my friend. I know you're up there playing ball, so always remember ,when your ahead on the count Pete....THROW THEM THE JUNK !!!!!!!
Sue m McLarty Ridgetown posted a condolence
Thursday, January 11, 2024
What a shock for all. Peter always had a ready smile.
Candace Thomson Posted Jan 13, 2024 at 4:51 PM
Sending our condolences to Peters family and friends May your fond memories of Peter guide you through this sad time.
We were good friends and neighbors of the McLarty family many years ago living in Brampton
On behalf of the Bolt family
Candace (Bolt) Thomson

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