
I miss my sister not being around anymore physically; for sure she is around in spirit and in my mind.
Marilyn was a wonderful sister!
She took great care of me growing up and through my adult life. She always tried to ensure my safety and longevity by reminding me to be CAREFUL! If if wasn't for her I may have been long gone by now, or at least injured by my inattention to safety and surroundings.
Marilyn had a great knack for flower arranging and loved flowers.
She was very good with a camera and took wonderful pictures.
Their gifts took on special meaning with the thought Steve and her put into choosing them, and with my sisters extra special touches to the wrapping.
She provided me with numerous newspaper clippings that she knew I would have an interest in.
I do appreciate her extra time and effort to do those tasks.
Marilyn loved her gardens and my mother's garden. She was a raking machine to clean up the flower and shrub beds of leaves, sticks and whatever else may have been lurking on the ground.
Marilyn was a joy to be around and an amazing person.
I will truly miss my beautiful, kind and thoughtful sister.
Norm North

My Grandmother was someone who you could always count on. Through thick and thin she was there to listen to us all. Many people are not lucky enough to have somebody in their lives who embodies love but I was lucky and got my Grandma. She cared for others in ways that I can't even begin to describe in words as it would do her kindness no justice. She was smart and beautiful and so strong. She fought hard and long with Cancer and I believe it never won. She was my best friend and the most beautiful soul I will ever have the pleasure of knowing. When I was visiting her in the hospital one day she told me how much she wished everyone could continue their own lives and not be worrying about her so much, even in the hardest times she had so much compassion and love for those around her. I will never forget the beautiful woman that is my Grandmother and she will live in me through her eternal love and comfort. I miss her greatly but heaven gained an angle. I know she is with her sister and mother and father looking down on us and smiling. This is not a goodbye, it is just a see you later.
Shea McD

Yet again I am a long way away but that does not diminish my sorrow.
Dear Marilyn, my only sister-in law has passed from this earth.
I feel my brother Stephen’s pain for the loss of the love of his life.
I deeply and sincerely thankful for and the loving support given to him by Michelle, Matthew, Norm, Carol and their families.
From the other side of the planet I speak on behalf of the Michna family have the honor and privilege to pay tribute to a very special, and irreplaceable person in all our lives.
I struggled with what to say. I didn’t know where to start.
My first recollection of Marilyn was my brother’s keen interest in our new neighbours.
He fell in love with the girl next door.
After a brief seven years engagement , they married in June 1968 and she dedicated her life to being there for her husband and children like an embracing tree of life...
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Thanks to progress in medicine she was able to extend her life for several productive years. She did so with great courage.
Marilyn had a love of nature particularly local flowers and birds beautifully reflected in her photos, card drawings and garden. She never forget a birthday of anniversary and had the extraordinary ability to wrap presents, even the tiniest item, even the oddest shapes, and wow how she could reuse wrapping paper no matter how much tape I put on it!
Roberta and I and our family will miss you greatly.
This weekend we will create a memorial planting in the rainforest adjacent to the Wet Tropics World Heritage Rainforest.
With Love,
Paul and Roberta
Joseph and Erin

166 Main Street North | Markham, Ontario L3P 1Y3 | Phone: (905) 294-2030 | Email: info@dixongarland.com
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