Obituary of Tony Chiappa
Tony (Antonio) Chiappa Obituary
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our beloved Tony (Antonio)
Chiappa. He passed away peacefully on January 18th,2025 in his sleep.
He will be painfully missed by his parents Ludovico and Michelina, his beloved wife of 33
years Donna, his cherished daughters, Michela (Wayne Bass) and Nicole. He is pre
deceased by his precious son Nicholas. Tony is the proud Nonno of Logan Antonio Elliott
Bass. Tony will be deeply missed by his closest friend Naresh Tejpal.
Born in Rome, Italy September 29
th, 1965. He was a devoted son who never overlooked his
responsibilities to his parents. An avid soccer player in his youth and an accomplished
member of Team Lazio from Rome. Tony was a courageous man who served with the
Italian Armed Forces. He served his native country with honour. An accountant by
profession, he worked at several organizations in Canada, before going into business with
his wife in 2012. Tony’s hard work ethic and dedication greatly contributed to the growth
and success of the business.
In 1989 while visiting family in Canada he met the love of his life, Donna Nulis. This
influenced his decision to permanently move to Canada in July 1990. On August 31st 1991
he married his soulmate and went on to have three beautiful children . Tony was overjoyed
when his first daughter Michela was born. They shared a passion for watching The Toronto
Raptors while enjoying trying new beers together. He was filled with pride when she
graduated as a teacher. Nicole brought him tremendous pride and joy, always making him
laugh with her humour. He loved watching her flourish in her studies in the Masters
program. They bonded over watching their favourite shows and they always looked forward
to their seafood dates. When Logan was born, he blessed Tony with an additional title of
Nonno. Logan made his Nonno so proud by starting to play soccer at the early age of 18
months to follow in his footsteps. Nonno enjoyed talking to Logan every Saturday morning
after his Italian school lessons to ask him what he learned that day. Tony met Naresh in
1990 and became lifelong friends, They shared their love of cars, sports and family life.
They loved going out for great Indian food, drinks and sports. Most of all they turned to each
other for support during the tough times and to celebrate their good fortunes. Naresh will
miss his councel, his friendship and their brotherly love.
Unfortunately, Tony suffered the loss of his only son on November 16, 1997. Despite the
profound impact of this tragic loss, he stayed strong for his wife and child. As time passed,
he regained his joy of life and he and his wife dreamed of the day they would retire and live
life to the fullest. He always had a passion to study Spanish. In the last two weeks of his
life, he proactively started taking Spanish lesions and was so excited of the thought of
using his new skills on his next vacation.
Funeral Service

166 Main Street North | Markham, Ontario L3P 1Y3 | Phone: (905) 294-2030 | Email: info@dixongarland.com
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