Tribute Wall

Melanie Wolgemuth posted a condolence
Sunday, January 19, 2025
You will ALWAYS be my mother. You live on forever as a part of me and Weston and Molly.
You occupy a place in my heart that will forever be grateful. You were ALWAYS there, ALWAYS in my corner, ALWAYS on my side, ALWAYS my cheerleader, ALWAYS listening, ALWAYS helping in every way you could. I recognise the self sacrifice you gave to support your children, but for you, it didn’t seem to be a sacrifice at all. You just wanted to be there. As a child, you ensured I got my daily flintstone vitamin, packed up my school lunches, did laundry, had casseroles of all variety ready for supper. You encouraged me to explore all that life had to offer by signing me up for every class imaginable: swim lessons at Centennial pool, pottery classes, ballet, girl guides at Reesor Park gym, horseback riding, piano, soft ball, gymnastics, archaeology camp…. You were ALWAYS the parent supervising swimming at the Willard’s pool for hours on end to the delight of the local kids.
You taught me to be spontaneous and carefree when we danced in the rain and called on the Oak Lea Circle neighbours while wearing our bathing suits during a crazy downpour.
You taught me independence as you walked me to Reesor Park public school, and each day would accompany me a little less far, until I was confident in myself and my ability to walk to school on my own.
You taught me good citizenship when you took me back to the store in shame as a child to return the item I had decided I wanted to keep but not pay for (a bag of cocktail umbrellas).
I loved as a child watching you get dressed up for a night out with your husband, choosing the dress from your walk-in closet, powdering your nose, and the smell of your Chanel #9.
I never blamed you for Dad leaving. It wasn’t your fault. I am sorry as a teen I wasn’t as supportive as I should have been in your remarrying. Peter is a wonderful and caring man who is your perfect partner. You brought out the best in each other and became stronger and better together.
I remember being bossy and condescending towards you in my adolescent years. Then I read The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence in grade 12 and realized my mistreatment of you. I apologized, we hugged and shed some tears and then put it behind us. I feel that then we became the best of mother-daughter friends, and would talk on the telephone for hours at a time.
You were so happy for me when I met my true love and partner Matt. You were AWAYS there when I needed an extra hand with our kids. How wonderful you were as Grammy. Your grandchildren will forever remember you sitting playing stuffies on the play-room floor, reading their bedtime stories, being the school teacher sitting in the rolly chair upstairs chasing them to their rooms, and dying eggs together at Easter. I know you wanted to see them grow up more and I am so sorry that your body failed you. But we will be okay, we will miss you, and we will carry your memory into the future and ALWAYS.
Your loving daughter ALWAYS,
Melanie Beth
Jhaugh4563@rogers.com posted a condolence
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Dear Peter and family,
We are very sorry to hear that Ellen has passed away. She was a lovely soul! We always enjoyed her hospitality when we were together. Be well Peter and cherish her memory.
Julie Haugh Guzzo and Frank Guzzo
Veronica Taylor posted a condolence
Sunday, January 12, 2025
RIP dear Ellen. I knew you in your earlier mom years, enjoyed many evenings and dinners, during both of our first marriages.
Later, we kept in touch via Christmas letters until very recently. You were someone I could always count on for blunt honest opinions about anything, and a terrific sense of humour, made funnier with that lovely New York accent.
I envy those who stayed close. Your old friend Veronica.
Kelly posted a condolence
Saturday, January 11, 2025
I can hear her giggle and her ‘American accent’ calling outside for you, Mel & Just from back in our cherished Oak Lea days. Part of our Village. One of ‘our moms’. Forever. -Kelly
V Wooland posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
I have nothing but sweet memories of Ellen - not only her kindness, amazing kids, jokes, and a family favourite her mini cheesecake recipe. I am sure Ellen will be missed dearly and will always be loved greatly. with sadness, Virginia

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